Allison’s Presentation at McNair Scholars Luncheon

Allison&ReneeOur Straw Sandals Project student intern Allison Hillmon presented her honors thesis project at the McNair Scholars luncheon at the University of Connecticut this past semester.  Allison is on the left in this photo and next to her is the Director of the McNair Scholars Program Dr. Renée Gilberti.  The gallery below is Allison’s PowerPoint presentation just to inform her fellow McNair Scholars and their mentors on what she was doing.  I think it is the first public talk about the Straw Sandals Project.  Allison successfully completed her honors thesis and I will post some of her writings here in the near future.  In addition to re-photographing the entire SSP collection in a much more professional manner, Allison wrote a scholarly report updating the story of Kennewick Man, an ancient skeleton that washed out of a bank along the Columbia River in Washington state, and she wrote an imaginative essay on what it may have been like to be living there in those pre-historic times almost 10,000 years ago!